Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Project Projections...

I have a couple different projects in the works at the moment... another contribution to Angry Gnome Comics' SHORT STACK (collection of 2 page horror stories), I'll be illustrating a 2-page story called, "Winter Garden" and they are letting me do the book's cover as well. Good times, scratches my horror itch.

I have been thumbnailing the bits and pieces for HipHopScotch #1 as well and while it might be unrealistic to think that the issue will be finished for 2010 I am hopeful for early 2011 (for C2E2 perhaps, CGS Supershow at the latest). I am pretty excited about what this book might be. The intention of the book is to serve as a testing ground/laboratory for story telling and art style. I really want it to be as tight as possible design-wise. I also want to add fun things to it like a letters column, fan-art submissions (once I get some fans) and maybe even occasional essays/editorials. Ideally I would love to have 2 issues out a year.

The final project is just in the discussion stages, but I am pretty excited about it. For a while now I have felt that I really needed a web series to keep my work fresh for people to see on a more consistent basis. Don't really want to say anything about it other then it will be a nice balance to the other things I am doing and (I'm hoping) will be a breath of fresh air... more fun, more funny, maybe even silly at times. We'll see. You'll know more when I know more.

I appreciate those who have asked and been interested in what I am doing these days... I am starting to get back into the swing of things... see you at a show soon. YEAH COMICS!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bay-bay... and a growing curiosity.

This Friday, Sara and I, are expecting our fourth child... yeah 4. Crazy. We're excited. So pray that all goes well with that, that we are able to survive the munchkin take over and that the other kids will be stoked to welcome this new little one into our family.

On the art front... I am moving forward on a couple projects that have been simmering for a while now and I look forward to showing people some stuff here and there as I get a chance to scan things in and post them. I often wonder what kind of work people expect from me or maybe even hope to see. I just want to do what makes me happy and excited to put brush to bristol but I admit I am curious what people like... just have to continue throwing things at the wall I suppose.

Hope you are all well.
